Where Else Can You Submit?
This site is a compendium of nearly every literary magazine that you can submit to online. This site allows you to sort by genre and subgenre and is a great tool if you want to try and submit to as many magazines as possible.
The following is by no means a comprehensive list of literary magazines. These are a mix of magazines that accept genre work and encourage students and new writers to submit.
LitMag https://litmag.com/
Accepts: fiction; short stories and novellas; nonfiction; creative nonfiction; essays on literature, art, culture, and music; biography, and memoir; and all forms of poetry
Pays Per Piece Once Accepted to the Magazine
One Story https://one-story.com/
Accepts: Short Stories 3k-8k words long.
Pays Per Piece Once Accepted to the Magazine
Rattle https://rattle.submittable.com/submit
Accepts: Poetry, and book reviews
Pays Per Piece Once Accepted to the Magazine
Palette Poetry https://www.palettepoetry.com/submit/
Accepts: Poetry
Pays Per Piece Once Accepted to the Magazine
Sink Hollow Literary Magazine https://www.sinkhollow.org/copy-of-submissions
Accepts: Poetry, Fiction (including Flash Fiction), Nonfiction, and Art.
Does Not Pay
The Susquehanna Review https://www.susquehannareview.com/submissions
Accepts: Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Poetry, Literary Translations, and Art
Does Not Pay
Green Blotter Literary Magazine http://wordpress.lvc.edu/wordpress/greenblotter/#about
Accepts: Prose, Poetry, and Art
Does Not Pay
Outrageous Fortune https://go.marybaldwin.edu/outrageousfortune/submission-guidelines-2/
Accepts: Poetry, Short Stories, Novel Excerpts, Plays, One-Acts, Dramatic Monologues, Creative Nonfiction, Visual Arts, and Film
Does Not Pay
Asimov’s Science Fiction https://www.asimovs.com/contact-us/writers-guidelines/
Accepts: Science Fiction stories and poetry
Pays Per Piece Once Accepted to the Magazine
3Elements Literary Review http://3elementsreview.com/submission-guidelines
Accepts: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Visual Art, Photography
Does Not Pay
Strange Horizons http://strangehorizons.com/submit/
Accepts: Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction, Art
Pays Per Piece Once Accepted to the Magazine