Submission Guidelines

If you have questions about submissions to Sandscript, email us at:

A Note to the Authors and Artists

General Guidelines

Submission Information to Include

When you submit your piece(s) for consideration in SandScript, please include the following:

Please note: to ensure a blind reading by our editorial team, your full name should NOT be on any of the files you submit. Please do not include your first or last name in the file upload.

The SandScript editorial team reserves the right to make basic edits (spelling, grammar, punctuation) to all accepted pieces as necessary for clarity and correctness. If a piece requires substantive editing beyond basic grammatical edits, the contributor will receive an email from the appropriate editor before publication to review edits and changes.

Formatting Requirements - Visual Arts

Formatting Requirements - Prose

Formatting Requirements - Poetry

We understand that the nature of poetry may require you to change formatting and font size. If accepted for publication, the SandScript Editorial Team will do its best to ensure a faithful adaptation. However, publication requirements may result in edits or formatting changes. The contributor will receive an email from the Poetry Editor prior to publication to review changes that may impact the formatting of the poem. 

If you have questions about submissions to Sandscript, email us at: